Avant - Ant Design React Dashboard Template

Avant - Ant Design React Dashboard Template

Avant React Admin is a production-ready solution for admin interfaces. This project introduces higher level components; we have developed templates, components, and a corresponding design kit to improve the user and development experience for admin interfaces.

With those objectives in mind, we have built the following templates and a scaffold based on React.js, which should help you prototyping production-ready admin interfaces.


Here are some benefits you can get from Avant:
  • - React: A language for application-scale JavaScript
  • - Blocks: Build page with block template
  • - Neat Design: Follow [Avant React Admin specification](http://ant.design/)
  • - Common Templates: Typical templates for enterprise applications
  • - State of The Art Development: Newest development stack of React/umi/dva/antd
  • - Responsive: Designed for variable screen sizes
  • - Theming: Customizable theme with simple config
  • - International: Built-in i18n solution
  • - Best Practices: Solid workflow to make your code healthy
  • - Mock development: Easy to use mock development solution
  • - UI Test: Fly safely with unit and e2e tests


- [ReactJS](https://reactjs.org/) A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

- [Ant Design of React](http://ant.design/)

Following React UI library antd that contains a set of high quality components and demos for building rich, interactive user interfaces.

- [UmiJS](https://umijs.org/) umi is a routing-based framework that supports next.js-like conventional routing and various advanced routing functions, such as routing-level on-demand loading. With a complete plugin system that covers every life cycle from source code to build product, umi is able to support various functional extensions and business needs. Currently umi has almost 50+ plugins in both community and inside company.

- Less (which stands for Leaner Style Sheets) is a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS. This is the official documentation for Less, the language and Less.js, the JavaScript tool that converts your Less styles to CSS styles. Because Less looks just like CSS, learning it is a breeze Dependencies


You’ll find the following directories and files, grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified distribution files, as well as raw source files.

 ├── config # umi config, include routes and webpack etc. ├── mock # Local Mock Data ├── public │ └── favicon.png # Favicon ├── src │ ├── assets # Local static files │ ├── components # Components │ ├── e2e # Integrated Test Case │ ├── layouts # Common Layouts │ ├── models # Global dva Model │ ├── pages # Sub-pages and templates │ ├── services # Back-end Services │ ├── utils # Utility │ ├── locales # i18n resources │ ├── global.less # Global Stylesheet │ └── global.ts # Global JS ├── tests # Tests Configuration ├── README.md └── package.json 
Avant - Ant Design React Dashboard Template
Price $19

Quality checked by Themeprison

Well Documented

Last Update: 13 October 2019

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