Note: We use jQuery along with Vue
Clear – Bootstrap + VueJS Admin Template is a bootstrap based admin template for professionals who are looking for clear and clean admin template.
It comes with two versions… light and dark, you can choose the color scheme you like.
Code is very clean and developer friendly, in no time, you can start using Clear admin template just by following code and our documentation.
Note: Images used in demo are not included with final package.
1)Modified to vue-laravel,laravel to latest laravel5.8 version. 2)Updated bootstrap,bootstrap-vue packages. 3)Updated vue-slimscroll with vue2-scrollbar packages. 4)Added vue datatable in adavanced data tables page. 5)Added vue bar page in the charts. 6)Added Dashboard3 page. 7)Added quick vue section in navbar. 8)Fixed issues in radio_checkbox page. 9)Fixed issues with boxed header layout. 10)All image path issues fixed.
Updated to latest spark 7
1. added chat, notification sections in dashboard 2. Added todo list, server load, device seperation sections in dashboard 2 page 3. updated to latest vue-bootstrap 4.1 4. updated to latest laravel version 5.74.2 – 20 Apr 2018
Added Contacts and Tasks page. Moved bower packages to npm. Fixed bugs.
1. Converted bower to npm in HTML and laravel version. 2. Fixed bugs in all versions. 3. Updated spark to 6.0.
Added new calendar, circle sliders, jstrees, vue_chartist charts, flip packages in vue version. Converted few section from jquery to vue in vue version. Added new e-commerce section and listjs in vue version. Updated bootstrapvue to 2.0.0-rc.1 in vue version. Updated spark to 5.0.3. Updated bootstrap to 4.0.0 in all versions. Fixed bugs.3.2 – 10 jan 2018
1. Added new Calendar, Vue Table, Datepicker. 2. Converted few sections from jquery to vue. 3. Fixed bugs.3.1.1 – 23 Dec 2017
1. Added two packages. 2. moved two sections from jquery to vue. 3. Fixed bugs3.1 – 19 Dec 2017
1. Added layouts back. 2. Converted few section to vue from jquery. 3. Added new packages. 4. Fixed bugs3.0-09 Dec 2017
1. Converted HTML and laravel version to Bootstrap beta2 version. 2. Converted few sections from jquery to vue. 3. Added new datepicker and color picker packages, new form wizards. 4. Fixed bugs.
Added pricing tables page improved UI in many pages
2.3 – 15th April 2017
updated dependencies laravel-mix bootstrap-sass vue vue2-google-maps added npm-shrinkwrap.json fixed the error when running npm run hot removed unused and duplicated packages from bower.json added es6-promise polyfill for IE support( removed seperate webpack.conf.js-- using default laravel-mix webpack.conf.js (easy updates) removed unnecessary js files added vuex and moved user data to global store added a custom scroll plugin based on simple-scroll( – 10th march 2017
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 11 July 2020
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: No, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 4.x
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