Demical is a perfect Sketch Doctor Appointment App designed for any medical related practices service business. It contains all 40 screens in layered and organized elements. Each screen fully customizable, easy to use and carefully assembled in Figma. This template is ready to use for iOS app.
01_Welcome Screen
02_Onboarding 1 Screen
03_Onboarding 2 Screen
04_Onboarding 3 Screen
05_Sign in
06_Forgot password
07_Forgot password (sent email)
08_New password
09_Sign up
10_Sign up (account created)
11_Verify your phone number
12_Confirmation code
13_Home v.1
14_Home v.2
16_Doctors list v.1
17_Doctors list v.2
18_Sorting popup
20_Popup calendar
21_Doctor details
26_Direct messages
27_Make an appointment
28_Make an appointment (Success)
29_Diagnostics & Tests (list)
30_My profile
31_Edit my profile
32_Burger menu
33_My appointments
34_My appointments (details)
35_Leave a review
36_My doctors
37_My tests & diagnostics
39_Privacy policy
40_Log out
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