Express is a HTML template suitable for cargo, logistics, trucking, transportation companies, warehouse and freight business. The main goal is, it has an incredible design style that has made it totally different from other templates in themeforest.
Thank you to all of our valued customers because of your trust and love to us; We appreciate your great ratings.
Note : Any media – Images, icons or logos used in previews are not included main downloadable file.
This template as well as all other our products is provided with detailed How-To descriptions. We also care that our customers always get professional help using our products.
If you are a talented designer, photographer or illustrator, and you have some works that you wish to be displayed in our demo previews, go ahead and contact us; we are open for cooperation!
We make good themes & templates that hundred of people love. And though it is a pleasure for us to have you as a customer, there are some cases when we can let you go. See these in a Refund Policy.
weThemez provide refunds in cases
Based on Envato Refund Policy, we will not provide a refund when:
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 12 October 2017
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 3.x, Columns: 4+
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