Farren - CV/Resume Elementor Template Kit

Farren - CV/Resume Elementor Template Kit

Farren is a Premium CV Resume template kit which is designed for personal, photographer, designer, developer, cv resume, portfolio, freelancer, agency, freelance, businesses or any type of person or business who wants to showcase their work, services and professional way. This Kit support for responsive mobile view.


  1. Homepage
  2. About
  3. Portfolio
  4. Single Portfolio
  5. Blog
  6. Single Blog
  7. Contact


  1. 1 Header Template For Theme Builder
  2. 1 Footer Template For Theme Builder
  3. Popup Menu
This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.

Farren - CV/Resume Elementor Template Kit
Price $25

Quality checked by Themeprison

Well Documented

Last Update: 26 October 2020

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Requires Premium Plugins: Elementor Pro, Template Kit Type: Envato Template Kit