FiMobile Finance HTML Template Bootstrap 5 Framework7 Angular 12 Starter

FiMobile Finance HTML Template Bootstrap 5 Framework7 Angular 12 Starter

FiMobile UX Finance and Wallet Mobile HTML template, Fi Mobile is HTML, CSS and js templates. Bootstrap version 5.0.x mobile first HTML/js framework and Framework7 v6.0 along with Angular 12 UI starter kit . We provide wide range of customized, unique creative and flexible components. We also growing component library with widgets and other third party customizations. We also target to create many other demo application pages for our customer so they can easily get ready html pages code that can be satisfy requirements. Now you can see preview of dashboard, statistics, profile, send money, receive money, wallet and many other pages.

We’ll also expanded it and always HTML 5 and major use of CSS3 we targeted. The framework we have used are bootstrap 5.0.x version, Framework7 v6.0 and with Angular 12 UI starter kit . So its uses flex-box properties and gives much smooth responsive utilities. The framework itself comes with responsive adjust into major devices small to large. Bootstrap templates designs also have wide range of Mobile HTML page to select from.

Most difficult part for developer to structure HTML UI elements into the other technology to integrate and make it functional. We made this things easy by creating layouts and structure with Angular 12 UI starter kit as demo presented on preview. Now you can start your angular project with starter kit and take reference how to integrate structure with routers outlets.

We have many pages covered like as below: —Finance Analytics —Finance Dashboard —Send Money —Rewards —Wallet —Add Monet —Thank you —Receive Money —Blog —Blog Details —Chat Message —Chat —Forgot Password —Landing —Notifications —Bills —Profile —FAQs —Contact us —Shop —Settings —Sign in —Sign up —and many more…

Most of the plugins we have used are free, but even we recommend to check license terms according to your business terms and audience.

We thank to for providing images. We have used images to show persons in user items, images in gallery and news updates block etc. to show how it looks with images. Also however most of them are CC0 Creative Commons licensed but please check license before using any images. Images: Dummy/Demo photo images used from You can check licenses with respective website and use it.

Change logs:

 2 June 2023 ------------------------------------------------- pages> finance: transaction details page added 4 Aug 2021 ------------------------------------------------- Header active on scroll main js update html 1 Aug 2021 ------------------------------------------------- New Version 2.0 with Bootstrap 5, Framework 7, Angular 12 3 Dec 2019 ------------------------------------------------- HTML demo updated with Bootstrap 4.4.1 16 Nov 2019 ------------------------------------------------- Angular 8 starter kit updated 14 Nov 2019 ------------------------------------------------- Angular 8 starter kit added 31 Oct 2019 ------------------------------------------------- Framework 7 version 5.1.0 updated.  

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FiMobile Finance HTML Template Bootstrap 5 Framework7 Angular 12 Starter
Price $28

Quality checked by Themeprison

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Last Update: 02 July 2023

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High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: AngularJS, Bootstrap 5.x, Columns: 4+