Kona - Modern & Clean eCommerce WordPress Theme

Kona - Modern & Clean eCommerce WordPress Theme

Kona is a modern and clean Premium WooCommerce Theme with a focus on a smooth and great user experience. It provides some unique tools and features which will make your eCommerce website stand out from the crowd.

What our buyers are thinking

Key Features

  • WordPress 5.0+ ready
  • WooCommerce 3.5+ ready
  • Lookbook Option
  • Wishlist
  • Live Ajax Search
  • Live Filter
  • Product Variation Swatches
  • Revolution Slider included
  • Product Video
  • One-Click Demo Import
  • Retina ready
  • Different Menu layouts
  • Responsive
  • Video Support (youtube,vimeo + html5)
  • Revolution Slider (included)
  • Shop Classic pagination, Load More or Infinity Load
  • Intuitive & Easy-to-use Page Builder
  • Social Media integration
  • Video Tutorials
  • Optimized for Contact Form 7
  • Extremely Customizable
  • Smooth Animations
  • Parallax Background
  • Video Background
  • Great Performance (98% PagSpeed on GtMetrix)
  • Modern & Clean Layout
  • Font Manager
  • Sortable Portfolio
  • Well organised css
  • Icon Fonts
  • Google Fonts
  • Typekit Fonts
  • Custom Fonts
  • Easy-To-Use Admin Interface
  • Tons of Options and Features
  • Lighbox included
  • Cross Browser optimation
  • Smooth User Experience
  • Google map
  • Clean Code
  • Premium Support

Images / Video Credits

* some of the Images/Videos are not included in the download (demo import)

Font: The font used in the demo live preview is “Proxima Nova” and is not included into the download (demo import)


Version 2.9.3

 * OPT: new size guide * UPD: woocommerce templates * UPD: revolution slider * FIX: Apple pay issue on single product (related posts) 

Version 2.9.2

 UPD: woocommerce templates 

Version 2.9.1

 * FIX: variation issue on loaded more products (script.js) * FIX: add to cart button for out of stock grouped products * FIX: swatches appearance * FIX: currency on product load more * OPT: select synchronize with fixed add to cart * UPD: revolution slider update 

Version 2.9

 * FIX: replace lightcase with fancy box * FIX: synchronize fixed add to cart * FIX: variation image switch * FIX: pagebuilder * FIX: wishlist position for new TI Wishlist version * UPD: revolution slider * UPD: woocommerce templates * OPT: fixed add to cart take html 

Version 2.8.5

 * FIX: stock manage for variations * FIX: load more for lot of pages * FIX: Variation switch if names are similar * UPD: Woocommerce template update 

Version 2.8.1

 * OPT: youtube-nocookie * OPT: language file * FIX: Blog display * FIX: Custom Wishlist icon * UPD: Woocommerce templates * UPD: ajax filter plugin * UPD: Wordpress 5.5 compatible * UPD: revolution slider update 

Version 2.8

 * NEW: disable shop ajax features * NEW: footer bg option * OPT: shipping calculator * OPT: order widget attributes (button) by custom order * OPT: show main prod image if no * OPT: protected page appearance * FIX: add to cart if all variations on grid * UPD: Woocommerce templates 

Version 2.7.1

 * FIX: Cart Empty message on ajax empty cart * FIX: translate header bar texts (wpml-config) * FIX: Load more (general-features) * FIX: my account table appearance * UPD: Wordpress 5.4 compatible * UPD: Woocommerce templates 

Version 2.7

 * FIX: show footer if widgets are empty * FIX: kona core plugin text domain issue * FIX: PHP 7.3+ compatible * FIX: disable include of lightcase fonts * FIX: disable lazy for main shop grid * FIX: take default modern layout for previously created products * FIX: count error message on product grid * FIX: shadow for white variation color * UPD: woocommerce templates * UPD: revolution slider 

Version 2.6.2

 * FIX: Cookie Notice hide (css) * UPD: woocomerce templates * UPD: revolution slider 

Version 2.6.1

 * FIX: megamenu * OPT: page template compatible for elmentor 

Version 2.6

 * FIX: remove sale badge for single * FIX: menu 2nd submenu * UPD: woocomerce templates * UPD: revolution slider 

Version 2.5

 * OPT: thumb hover stays when hovering whole shop item * OPT: add param to url on login page * OPT: disable share for quick view * OPT: sub menu disabled when leaving it * FIX: tooltip for image swatches * FIX: cart on mobile open menu * FIX: count + load more issue when 'select by product' * FIX: empty woo messages when adding to cart * FIX: currency on ajax calls (cart, search,quickview) * FIX: work without woo plugins * UPD: removed instagram theme widget * UPD: swatches plugin * UPD: revolution slider update 

Version 2.4.21

 * FIX: js error 

Version 2.4.2

 * FIX: pagebuilder edit column content and then columns section * FIX: display label for shipping state * FIX: form display for checkout * UPD: wooCommerce templates 

Version 2.4.1

 * FIX: localisation form-login template (closing php tag) * FIX: amazon pay login on checkout * FIX: pinterest share link * FIX: google share link * FIX: default cart icon on header light * UPD: revolution slider 6+ update 

Version 2.4

 * OPT: hide header bar when search is open * FIX: p tag issue on pagebuilder (kona-core) * FIX: header search > load more (kona-core) * FIX: password reset button click * FIX: header bar hide if no text content * FIX: checkout layout if only one shipping country * FIX: double 'optional' on checkout 

Version 2.3.5

 * OPT: enable order notes field * OPT: start animation global (strip individual setting) * FIX: video bg lightcase for self hosted videos * FIX: up sells appearance (take same rules than related posts) * FIX: internet explorer issue (vh workaround adapted) * FIX: Flickity carousel height issue on load 

Version 2.3.1

 * FIX: groupcells for shop carousel (kona-core) * FIX: hide right header bar on mobiles 

Version 2.3

 * NEW: added search by tag for ajax theme search action * NEW: svg logo option (svg support plugin needed) * FIX: my account order details * FIX: align mini cart icon * FIX: header bar z-index * FIX: Search input size * FIX: product appearance on mobile if arrow gallery * OPT: ALT text for product images * OPT: WooCommerce templates update 

Version 2.2

 * FIX: hide select on grid variation * FIX: center header bar if no left and right * FIX: variation on load more * FIX: multiple load more grids on same page * FIX: cart delete for products marked as sold individually * FIX: center login icon on big logo * FIX: hero,body,menu top margin on big logo * FIX: submenu position on big logos * OPT: pagebuilder hover index 

Version 2.1

 * NEW: choose variations on grid by attribute * FIX: hide wpml on header when it's in top bar (style.css) * FIX: Mobile images padding when top header bar (custom styling) * FIX: init lazy load after load more (script.js) * FIX: category display on shop catalogue page * FIX: out of stock message * FIX: display variation image on grid (woo.js) 

Version 2.0

 * NEW: header top bar * NEW: My Account / Login Icon option * NEW: Quick View * FIX: checkout button on mobile devices (100vh for mobiles workaround) * FIX: gallery main switch image * FIX: empty cart notice to language pot file * FIX: disable zoom for mobiles * FIX: variations on carousel * FIX: html tag error for gallery * FIX: Badges position when no gallery on single * OPT: always display view cart if cart has items * OPT: thumb hover stay when product media hover * OPT: workaround for logos coming from a different location * OPT: optimized for google mobile test * UPD: Woo template update (3.5.5) * UPD: revolution slider 

Version 1.7.61

 * FIX: gallery height adapt disable on mobiles 

Version 1.7.6

 * FIX: zoom for single image gallery * FIX: badges for single image gallery * FIX: gallery height adapt if different heights * OPT: display 2nd address field (css) * OPT: take default price output and switch sale via css 

Version 1.7.5

 * NEW: mobile column option * NEW: enable/disable rating stars on products * NEW: added sku for search * FIX: bug for old edge browser * FIX: product variation image show * FIX: variation on search * FIX: "create account" + "login" translatable * UPD: woocommerce files 

Version 1.7

 * NEW: Price font size choice for single products * OPT: show hover image if no variation images * FIX: font family for post navigation * FIX: Wishlist icon align (top margin via custom style) * FIX: Wishlist icon jump to transition * FIX: Show main variation image if enabled in theme options 

Version 1.6.51

 * FIX: thumbs on mobile * FIX: gallery thumb on special variation 

Version 1.6.5

 * NEW: zoom options for product gallery (only classic layout) * NEW: price range option for variable products * FIX: product gallery when multiple variations * FIX: Upsells display * FIX: fixed add to cart on smaller screens * OPT: display main product gallery if no variation gallery is set * OPT: loco translate compatible * OPT: optimize some css (add to cart font size) * OPT: hide scrollbar for product-nav (gallery thumbs) 

Version 1.6

 * NEW: Fixed add to cart button * NEW: Sidebar for blog page/posts * NEW: WeChat social icon * NEW: Newsletter Sign-Up * FIX: Hide quantity if stock is set to single add * FIX: img hover on grid * FIX: add lazy init after ajax filter * FIX: Share word translatable 

Version 1.5

 * NEW: Image option for variation * NEW: variation swatches on archive/shop page * OPT: sale price for variable products * OPT: product-hero top spacing on mobile (custom styling) * OPT: reinitialize isotope after ajax filter (kona-core ajax callback) * FIX: theme options save 

Version 1.4

 * NEW: percentage option for sale badge * NEW: NEW badge * NEW: HOT badge * NEW: back to top button * FIX: mega-menu on different breakpoint (js) * FIX: responsive menu when sticky * FIX: gallery on variable product with no variable image/gallery * FIX: bank details for thank you page * FIX: js error on flickity sliders * UPDATE: Wordpress 5.0 compatible 

Version 1.3.5

 * NEW: choose add to cart button appearance * NEW: choose mini cart icon * NEW: add main product image to gallery * NEW: mobile breakpoint option on theme options * FIX: add to cart message on product and archive page * FIX: product gallery backend * FIX: polylang error message * OPT: stripe 

Version 1.3

 * NEW: WPML compatible * NEW: Currency switcher (wpml) * NEW: Autoplay for slider * NEW: Portfolio Demo * OPTIMIZED: remove items on cart for mobile * FIX: Megamenu * FIX: Single title Size for products * FIX: Lookbook error if product does not exist * FIX: External Product Link * FIX: Pagebuilder Slider Element * FIX: Tab shortcode frontend appearance * FIX: page title on shop archive (brands, ...) * FIX: variable images display (product-image.php) 

Version 1.2

 * NEW: Size Guide * FIX: Logo custom height for mobile * FIX: change price for variable products * FIX: Megamenu position when menu right * FIX: Wishlist position on scrolled sticky header * FIX: Pagebuilder Import Issue * FIX: Improved import process 

Version 1.1

 * NEW: Portfolio * NEW: cta option * NEW: visual composer compatible * FIX: Pagebuilder lookbook bug * FIX: My Account page responsive * FIX: Megamenu position when menu centered 

Version 1.0

 * Release 

Kona - Modern & Clean eCommerce WordPress Theme
Price $44

Quality checked by Themeprison

Well Documented

Last Update: 28 March 2022

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  • Sales 1651

Gutenberg Optimized: No, High Resolution: Yes, Widget Ready: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: WooCommerce 6.x.x, Software Version: WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x, Columns: 4+