Leo Barbero elite Prestashop theme 1.7 for any hair salon, barbershop, hair spa, beard spa, hair stylist, or any e-commerce shop to sell.
This premium theme is designed with 04+ creative barbershop homepage demos which are easy to use & install. It’s possible to showcase all products in an eye-catchy for the particular season with attractive sliders, and neat & clean layouts. Your potential customers will be amazed, as they navigate your well-designed, streamlined shop page. It is as highly customizable as you wish.
Moreover, with Barbero theme Prestashop , you are able to build barbershop content & layouts easily. 1 click installation lets you build your shop works as same as demo homepages. Just a few minutes are required! With the Ap Page Builder module, you can build all pages which include all content & layout homepages, products & shopping pages. The theme is integrated with strong Prestashop modules like Megamenu Module, Leo Slideshow, Leo Feature, Leo Blog, etc so it saves you a lot of money to own an all-in-one Prestashop theme.
Besides, the theme is also optimized for SEO & Speed loading. So, let’s experience the demos for a more wonderful experience and start to build your website today with the elite Barbero Hairsalon PrestaShop theme.
Being built in the powerful page builder, Leo Barbero Prestashop Theme allows you to add content & layouts from the back office. With Ap page Builder, no coding is required to help you start your barber business easily and rapidly.
The barbershop homepages are built with precision and attention to detail. It would be a great starting point for any kind of online store business. Grab any homepage layouts that you love for your hair salon shop now
Leo Barbero Prestashop Theme leaves an outstanding place for you to introduce your barbershop. With attractive images and content, you can let your visitors know more & trust your hair shop then soon become your customers.
Help your potential customers answer the questions of what service your shop offers by showing premium barber services on the homepage like style & mastership haircut, royal shaving, beard styling, barber-spa, etc.
Besides premium services, your customers also care about the pricing. Leo Barbero Prestashop Theme 1.7.8.x designs the price table under stunning tabs. So customers can view more about pricing for each service at your salon.
One of the best ways to marketing for your hair salon is to show real customer reviews. Leo Barbero Theme Prestashop displays positive feedback right on the homepage, which helps to build the trust of new customers in your business before they decide to come.
Introduce your talented barber artist team members
Your customer can easy booking hair services via the online booking form
Leo Barbero is designed to be a fully responsive layout, which will make your site a fantastic look on different screen resolutions such as mobile, tablet, iPhone, iPad, and other handheld devices.
Leo Barbero premium responsive theme supports building a wide range of menus, which improve your shop website’s navigation remarkably. Easily customize the top menu as you want.
Version 1.0.0 (Prestashop
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This version have not change file in folder theme compare to version 8.0
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Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 23 August 2023
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Angular 8.x.x, Bootstrap 4.x, Software Version: PrestaShop 8.0, PrestaShop 1.7.8.x, Columns: 2
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