Leo Dress Store- a feature responsive prestashop theme for Preatshop 1.5 in this month, May 2013. Its design is perfect for Fashion store, Dress Store or Clothes store as well.
This theme is fully responsive design by default with layouts to support various mobile devices. Your site will fits all devices without any coding required.
If you like my theme please rate it. Thank you for your support.
It is the easiest and fastest way to build up a site. When you install the package you will have a site like our Demo site. This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, Sampledata.
All of our Prestashop Theme are included source files – the PSD files.
Each Prestashop Theme we provide a package that include theme, extensions used in the demo site. You can install the extensions you want to use in your site.
See video guide install Here
If you have any question please contact me via contact form on themeforest profile page.
****** File tpl **** - shopping-cart-advanced.tpl - discount.tpl - \modules\loyalty\views\templates\front\loyalty.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist-extra.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist_button.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\views\templates\front\view.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\views\templates\front\mywishlist.tpl - \modules\blockwishlist\views\templates\front\managewishlist.tpl
**** File tpl **** - header.tpl **** File JS **** - \js\product.js - \js\stores.js - \js\modules\blocklayered\blocklayered.js
****** File tpl **** - authentication.tpl - category.tpl - address.tpl - category.tpl - category-count.tpl - global.tpl - header.tpl - manufacturer-list.tpl - order-address-product-line.tpl - order-opc-new-account.tpl - pagination.tpl - product.tpl - products-compare.tpl - products-list.tpl - shopping-cart.tpl - shopping-cart.tpl - shopping-cart-product-line.tpl - supplier.tpl - supplier-list.tpl - \sub\product-item\special-product-item.tpl - \sub\product\sidebar.tpl - \sub\product\sidebar-obj.tpl - \modules\blockcart\blockcart.tpl - \modules\blockcategories\blockcategories-footer.tpl - \modules\blockcontactinfos\blockcontactinfos.tpl - \modules\blocksocial\blocksocial.tpl - \modules\productcomments\productcomments.tpl - \modules\productcomments\products-comparison.tpl ***** File JS ***** - js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js - js/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.js - js/modules/loyalty/js/loyalty.js - js/tools/statesManagement.js - js/global.js - js/product.js - js/stores.js *** File CSS *** - global.css - delete font-awesome.min.css *** Fonts *** - Update folder fonts to get the latest font
Version 1.5.x
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Replace and use module: 1. leotempcp 2. leomanagewidgets 3. leosliderlayer 4. leobootstrapmenu 5. leocustomajax 6. leoblog 7. blockleoblogs [modify] (#) js\modules\blocklayered\blocklayered.js (#) js\modules\blocksearch\blocksearch.js (#) js\modules\blockwishlist\js\ajax-wishlist.js (#) js\authentication.js (#) js\cart-summary.js (#) js\category.js (#) js\cms.js (#) js\contact-form.js (#) js\products-comparison.js (#) js\scenes.js (#) js\stores.js (#) js\modules\blockcart\ajax-cart.js (#) js\global.js (#) js\history.js (#) js\index.js (#) js\order-address.js (#) js\order-carrier.js (#) js\order-opc.js (#) js\product.js (#) css\modules\blockcart\blockcart.css (#) css\paneltool.css (#) info\paneltool.tpl (#) layout\default\header.tpl (#) layout\setting.tpl (#) modules\blockcart\blockcart.tpl (#) modules\blocklayered\blocklayered.tpl (#) modules\blocksearch\blocksearch-top.tpl (#) modules\blockwishlist\blockwishlist-extra.tpl (#) samples\blockleoblogs.xml (#) samples\leoblog.xml (#) samples\leobootstrapmenu.xml (#) samples\leocustomajax.xml (#) samples\leomanagewidgets.xml (#) samples\leosliderlayer.xml (#) samples\leotempcp.xml (#) sub\product\product-list-form.tpl (#) authentication.tpl (#) breadcrumb.tpl (#) category.tpl (#) contact-form.tpl (#) errors.tpl (#) global.tpl (#) header.tpl (#) identity.tpl (#) maintenance.tpl (#) manufacturer-list.tpl (#) order-address.tpl (#) order-address-multishipping.tpl (#) order-carrier.tpl (#) order-detail.tpl (#) order-opc-new-account.tpl (#) order-payment.tpl (#) order-steps.tpl (#) pagination.tpl (#) product.tpl (#) products-comparison.tpl (#) product-sort.tpl (#) search.tpl (#) shopping-cart.tpl (#) shopping-cart-product-line.tpl (#) supplier-list.tpl
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 13 July 2016
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Compatible With: Bootstrap 3.x, Bootstrap 2.3.x, Software Version: PrestaShop 1.6.0.x, PrestaShop 1.5.6, PrestaShop 1.5.5, PrestaShop 1.5.4, PrestaShop 1.5.3, PrestaShop 1.5.2, PrestaShop 1.5.1, PrestaShop 1.5.0, PrestaShop 1.5.x, Columns: 3
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