Are you looking for the best PrestaShop Theme Marketplace for your website to allow multiple sellers/vendors upload their products & start earning unlimited commission? Without creating their own website. So both admin & sellers can save a lot of money and time.
In a stunning way, the fastest PrestaShop Theme for the Multi Vendor market has the same other Ecommerce web design theme. It’s available must-have features for Ecommerce as multiple shops layouts, multiple category layouts, blog posts, smart filterable ... For customers shopping experience as an attractive slider, add to wishlist, add to cart, …
Moreover, Leo Multishop is built with Leotheme Framework by the support of several Prestashop Modules as Ap page Builder, Leo Mega Menu, Leo Slider, Leo Blog, … Especially, the Leo Multishop PrestaShop Theme is mainly powered by the Ap Marketplace – PrestaShop Marketplace that enables your marketplace functionality for any Multi-vendor Marketplace Ecommerce website. Therefore, all vendors, customers can signup/signin their accounts on the market. Vendors can upload & sell their items on the market and earn their commission with the different percentage of commission. They can manage all orders, products, coupon code, pay order, question, chat with admin, …. Also admin has full permission on config marketplace, install subiz chat, set the various commissions, approve/disapprove vendors, products, reviews & question, …
Get started with Leo Multishop Marketplace Multivendor PrestaShop Theme to discover all amazing features for the marketplace!
Leo Multishop is available 06+ Marketplace Demos with different styles & layouts. All premade home pages come with premade CSS, style & layouts.
Fully compatible with Multi Vendor Marketplace for PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace Module. It’s extremely easy to turn on your website to a marketplace website.
With an integration pre-made Marketplace module in Leo Multishop, your vendors/sellers can signup/signin their dashboard. To specify, they can upload their products, commission, pay order, coupon code, …
Please log in this account vendor to test:
Admin has full management on configuration. They have full permission on order, products, commission, settings, live chat, …
On the market, store owners can set a time countdown for special price on sale products. Time countdown detail with date & time. Users can manage time promotion ends easily.
By drag & drop widgets & blocks, Ap Page Builder PrestaShop module supports to build your layouts content of any pages in Prestashop. Just dragging & dropping block builder, the page can be completed quickly.
With simple one-click import, you can import/install any pages with sample content from demos easily.
This fastest PrestaShop theme marketplace is optimized for SEO & Speed. Your website is friendly on Search engine.
07+ premade style layouts that easily choose for product detail display.
Building a wide range of menu is never easy and customize your menus. With Leo Multishop, you can create columns for product categories, choose which information is displayed and add your own product image, videos, effect or banner on the menu.
Support to login quickly with social network account as facebook, google account, twitter,... without filling any other information.
Showcase all feedbacks & reviews about products quality & services
Via admin panel, users can edit front, font family, color, backgrounds, …
Don’t worry about this. We – Leotheme – include full documentation, tutorials, videos & support for installation, config & fix bugs to help you create your marketplace fluently without arising bugs.
No limitation for customization. Free to tailor any place/part of the website when you want to make the changes, different for your own shop.
Version Compartible Prestashop 1.7.7.x (December 19th, 2020)
Back Office:
- Bug fix: - #22191: Validate currency localized names - #22013: Handle parallel updates from CartRules when updating a product in Order - #22018: Order zero ratio for order detail tax - #21781: Remove gifted quantity from product order quantity - #21994: Remove or cancel all products - #21721: Handle Shop context override in order editing - #21816: Remove useless logic Product customization images in Order Page and handle exotic chars in name - #21853: Add missing use in CancelOrderProductHandler - #21830: Correctly generate cart error messages - #21555: Fixed increment button when adding a product out of stock and with allow order - #21526: Improved Error message in New Order Page when adding a minimal product - #21557: Fix product pagination when adding a product in an empty order
Front Office:
- Bug fix: - - #21981: Make sure favicon, stores_icon and logo are correctly settled for themes
- Bug fix: - #22178: Set numeric_iso_code & precision in currency from CLDR when upgrading - #22182: Update pear/archive_tar to 1.4.11 - #22174: Use displayHeader hook instead of Header - #22164: Fix upgrade script from < to - #22146: Remove --classmap-authoritative when building release - #22130: Fix dependency which is targeting the v1.3.0 instead of the 1.3 branch - #21975: Correctly substring fields before update, remove duplicates and add missing sql queries
- Improvement: - #21957: Update latest native modules - Bug fix: - #21953: Fix "column count doesn't match value count" error during upgrade - Localization: - Improvement: - #22063: Last translation updates - Tests: - Refactoring: - #22055: Delete spaces in the end of title name in faker for UI tests
Module and file change in version in folder theme
****templates change: ***Js file assets\js\theme.js *** tpl file modules\ps_bestsellers\views\templates\hook\ps_bestsellers.tpl modules\ps_brandlist\views\templates\_partials\brand_form.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo-rich.tpl modules\ps_crossselling\views\templates\hook\ps_crossselling.tpl modules\ps_emailsubscription\views\templates\hook\ps_emailsubscription.tpl modules\ps_imageslider\views\templates\hook\ slider.tpl modules\ps_shoppingcart\modal.tpl Modules\ps_supplierlist\views\templates\_partials\supplier_form.tpl templates\_partials\breadcrumb.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl Templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\product.tpl Templates\catalog\_partials\facets.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-discounts.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-images-modal.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-prices.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-variants.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\quickview.tpl Templates\catalog\_partials\sort-orders.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\variant-links.tpl templates\catalog\product.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-totals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-subtotals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-voucher.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\checkout\checkout.tpl templates\cms\stores.tpl templates\customer\_partials\address-form.tpl templates\customer\_partials\block-address.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-no-return.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-return.tpl templates\customer\order-return.tpl templates\contact.tpl templates\sub\product_info\default.tpl templates\sub\product_info\accordions.tpl *** Add new tpl file templates\catalog\_partials\productlist.tpl modules\ps_emailsubscription\views\templates\hook\ps_emailsubscription-column.tpl
Version Compatible Prestashop 1.7.6.x (May 29, 2020)
**Templates change:
- templates\checkout\_partials\steps\addresses.tpl
- Back Office:
- Bug fix: - Fix sidebar not displayed in BO Add employee page - Fix wrong number of "Last emails" in BO - Customer View page - Wrong redirection when using the quick search for a category - Fix error when trying to translate Serbian using the BO interface
- Front Office:
- Bug fix: - Convert cart rule value when order currency is different - Change product redirection rules to redirect to valid attribute url - Duplicate address when submitting a form with errors
- Core:
- Improvement: - Update version to - Bug fix: - Improper access control on product page with combinations, attachments and specific prices - Improper access control on product attributes page - Improper access control on customers search - Improper Access Control - Reflected XSS related in import page - Reflected XSS with back parameter - Reflected XSS on Exception page - Reflected XSS on AdminCarts page - Reflected XSS on Search page - Reflected XSS with dashboard calendar - Open redirection when using back parameter - Reflected XSS on AdminFeatures page - Reflected XSS on AdminAttributesGroups page - Reflected XSS in security compromised page
- Installer:
- Bug fix: - Installation under CLI doesn't take BASE_URI and Apache rewrite in consideration - Use scandir instead of readdir to get sorted entities
- Tests:
- Bug fix: - Change test fixtures that need to be in the future
Version (March 4th, 2020)
Module and file change in version in folder theme
****Tpl change: - /templates/checkout/_partials/cart-summary-totals.tpl *** Css change: - /_dev/css/theme.scss- Change:
Back Office:
Bug fix: #17711: Fix a bug on safari where SEO preview on create page was not updated #17613: Files translations.css and product_page.css do not exist #17395: Can't explore a category when all subcats are disabled
Front Office:
Improvement: #17638: Prevent email enumeration Bug fix: #17457: Disable add-to-cart button when product/attribute combination is not available #16616: Fix round remaining value of reduction amount #17608: Email subject doesn't support html entities
Bug fix: #17846: Fix exception thrown when editing a customer with a bad email address #17433: Do not escape translations when using the legacy translator from the new one #17306: Do not force memory_limit in index_cli.php
(+) Add new
Module and file change in version in folder theme
****templates change: *** Js file change in theme assets\theme.js assets\js\error.js *** Tpl folder module in theme modules\blockreassurance\views\templates\hook\blockreassurance.tpl modules\contactform\views\templates\widget\contactform.tpl modules\ps_advertising\ps_advertising.tpl modules\ps_banner\ps_banner.tpl ps_brandlist\views\templates\hook\ps_brandlist.tpl ps_contactinfo\nav.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo-rich.tpl modules\ps_categorytree\views\templates\hook\ps_categorytree.tpl modules\ps_currencyselector\ps_currencyselector.tpl modules\ps_customersignin\ps_customersignin.tpl modules\ps_emailsubscription\views\templates\hook\ps_emailsubscription.tpl modules\ps_emailsubscription\views\templates\hook\ps_emailsubscription-column.tpl modules\ps_linklist\views\templates\hook\linkblock-column.tpl modules\ps_linklist\views\templates\hook\linkblock.tpl modules\ps_sharebuttons\views\templates\hook\ps_sharebuttons.tpl modules\ps_shoppingcart\modal.tpl modules\ps_shoppingcart\ps_shoppingcart.tpl *** Tpl folder Template in theme templates\_partials\form-fields.tpl templates\_partials\head.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\brand.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\category.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\category-header.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\facets.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-additional-info.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-add-to-cart.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-customization.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-details.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-discounts.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-flags.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-images-modal.tpl classic\templates\catalog\_partials\productlist.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-prices.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\products-top.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-variants.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\quickview.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\sort-orders.tpl templates\catalog\listing\product-list.tpl templates\catalog\listing\category.tpl templates\catalog\listing\product-list.tpl templates\catalog\listing\search.tpl templates\catalog\product.tpl templates/sub/product_info/tab.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\addresses.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\checkout-step.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\payment.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\shipping.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\unreachable.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\address-form.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\address-selector-block.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-actions.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-totals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-subtotals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-totals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-voucher.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\customer-form.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-final-summary.tpl templates\checkout\checkout.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\header.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\footer.tpl templates\checkout\order-confirmation.tpl templates\cms\_partials\sitemap-nested-list.tpl templates\cms\stores.tpl templates\customer\_partials\customer-form.tpl templates\customer\_partials\login-form.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-no-return.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-return.tpl templates\customer\guest-login.tpl templates\customer\guest-tracking.tpl templates\customer\my-account.tpl templates\customer\order-return.tpl templates\customer\password-email.tpl templates\errors\404.tpl templates\errors\maintenance.tpl templates\errors\not-found.tpl templates\errors\restricted-country.tpl templates\layouts\layout-both-columns.tpl templates\layouts\layout-content-only.tpl templates\layouts\layout-full-width.tpl templates\layouts\layout-left-column.tpl templates\layouts\layout-right-column.tpl *** New folder templates\_partials\microdata *** New file templates\_partials\pagination-seo.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\subcategories.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-products.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-top.tpl modules\ps_imageslider\views\templates\hook\slider.tpl
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 18 November 2021
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 4.x, Software Version: PrestaShop 1.7.7.x, PrestaShop 1.7.6.x, Columns: 4+
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