Lezada – Multipurpose Shopify Theme is a stunning website classic look demo that you can use to build all kinds of eCommerce or general purpose websites. To note that, eCommerce is the most growing kind of website today, and to compete in this tough race a quality website is mandatory. Best alternative for ella shopify theme and wokiee shopify theme, gecko and kalles shopify theme.
On the other hand, to build a brand in eCommerce industry, Lezada is a perfect gateway. You can use Lezada responsive Fastest multipurpose theme for selling Electronics Industry Products, Apple, Electronic Stores, Digital Products, Fashion Products, Hats, Sunglasses, Accessories, sportswear, coffee shop, single product Shop, Apple store, Sportwear, Drone Selling website, Spa website.
And Car Selling store, auto car Store, garage, yoga classes, daily deals website, super market, drop shipping store for drop ship business, boutique shop, luxurious product website like luxury watches , fitness website, food delivery ecommerce, babies store, house selling website, yoga store, yoga booking, cute pet store, gaming store or game store, skincare website, b2b business, digital goods selling website, shoe store, eyewear, jewelry store, vendor marketplace website, flowers and garden shop for gardening, wine shop.
And Smartwatch store, baby shop, cake shop, computer store, phone store, coats, costumes store, cupcake, juice website for juice fruit, stationery book store or ebook selling website, print shop, kitchen store, product showcase website, toy website, online bakery, art, skateboard, chrismas gift store, digital store, cook website, watch clock store, library, guitar, women suits, toolkit, restaurant website, outdoor products like backpacks, headset, sneaker, digital downloads website, vacation products.
And MacBook, clothing store, bookstore, skate shop, cat shop, ceramics, flower shop, makeup artist website, camping product store, and all kind of retail products. However, Lezada multipurpose Shopify themes comes with the number of readymade pages- 220 Home Versions, 11+ Revolution Slider, 40+ Drag and Drop Sections, RTL version, 10+ Header Variation and 6+ Footer variations.
Moreover, this theme is built with Bootstrap 4, CSS3, HTML 5 and W3C validated markup. It is packed with tons of other user friendly features as well. Lezada is a 100% responsive fast theme and it has Cross-Browser compatibility too. Furthermore, the detailed documentation and Google Analytics will assist you a lot to simplify your tasks. On the other hand you will be able to connect your customers widely with this theme because it includes Discuss Comment section, Facebook Comment, Product Share Option, Ajax Shop Cart and Wishlist and many more. Install this amazing eCommerce Shopify theme soon and make a boom with your eCommerce business idea.
As the theme has been upgraded to Shopify Online Store 2.0, you will benefit from the new version’s enhanced and updated features. For example, unlike the previous Shopify version, which only allowed you to add sections to the homepage, you now have the option to add sections to any page. It will allow you to manage your shop more efficiently without the need for code changes, complex block workarounds, or custom apps to add sections to other pages.
Compatibility: Compatible with (Judge-me) product review app.
Fixed: Product Card Issue has been fixed Fixed: Product page description tab Added: Unique Product Info Added: New Banner Section
1. cart drawer action js has been fixed 2. Rich text section has been updated
1. Rebuilt: Completely Rebuilt from scratch 2. Performance: High Performance and Remarkable theme speed 3. Optimized: Low-size theme package 4. Accessibility: 90+ Lighthouse accessibility 5. Lighthouse Speed Score: Desktop(90+) & Mobile (75+) 6. Optimized: Better designed for mobile and desktop (UI & UX) 7. Compatibility: Sections Everywhere in the theme 8. Customizability: Maximum Customizability for sections and templates 9. New Functionalities: Ajax cart, Advance Ajax Search Filter, Ajax collection filter, Ajax filter search page 10.New added: Brand new Product page with the latest features
1. Changed: Custom CSS Theme Settings ID 2. Changed: Custom Script Theme Settings ID
1. Fixed: JS DOM Event Issue in the header 2. Fixed: Dark Version CSS issues.
1. Fixed: License issue
** The changes are compatible with Online Store 2.0 ** New: 1. Added 70+ demo preset files 2. Added Envato purchase code verification settings Fixed: 1. Minor css issues
** The changes are compatible with Online Store 2.0 ** New: 1. Added Shopify multiple languages selector on the footer 2. Added Shopify multi-currency selector on the footer 3. Added Footer widget collapse on the mobile device Updated: 1. Footer default 2. Footer default 3. Footer copyright style 2 Fixed: 1. Collection list template - Empty collection image check (Placeholder image added) You can check more details here, https://lezada.docs.hasthemes.com/changelog
** The changes are compatible with Online Store 2.0 ** 1. Added: Product variant metafield color 2. Fixed: Minor css issues
** Big Updated - - The changes are compatible with Online Store 2.0 ** 1. Added: Dynamic storefront filtering - Availability - Pricing - Variant Options - Product Type - Vendor 2. Updated: Collection template settings - Left & Right sidebar - Off-canvas sidebar - Off-canvas sidebar no gutter 3. Changed: Collection storefront filter style 4. Updated: Collection list template settings 5. Removed: Custom storefront filtering (old design) 6. Fixed: Radio variant picker issue 7. Added: Christmas demo for OS-2.0
* The changes are compatible with Online Store 2.0 * 1. Added: Header menu linklist setting 2. Fixed: "Buy now" button issue 3. Fixed: Minor Css issue
* Big Updated Lezada theme to version online store 2.0 * 1. Added: Back in Stock Notifications 2. Added: Metafield for online store 2.0 - Product Countdown - Product Short Description - Product New Badge - Product Size Guide - Product Shipping Policy - Product Video - Unique Accordion - Affiliate link - Unique Tab 3. Removed: Shortcode has been removed from Lezada version online store 2.0 4. Improved: Theme Speed 5. Compressed: Liquid files and Asset 6. Added: Strong functionality 7. Improved: Responsive Design
1. Migrated to Shopify Online Store 2.0 - All sections are supported on every page - Drag & Drop on every page - You can add or remove any section as per your requirement - You can create any page using the lezada default sections (no page builder required) 2. Updated: Product page for Online Store 2.0 - Drag and drop supported all elements of the product page - FAQ/Accordion added on the product page 3. Added: Product Unit price (For Germany and Japan Seller) 4. Improved: Header - All the header UX responsive device - Menu with centered logo header 5. Fixed: Collection Sidebar URL filter issue - You can add size and color filters for every single collection
1. Improved: Theme Speed (HTML,CSS,JS optmized) 2. Fixed: Image aspect ratio - You can choose product image ratio from settings ( https://prnt.sc/161o274 ) 3. Updated: Hero Slider section - You can choose a different image for desktop and mobile 4. Fixed: Minor CSS issue
1. Added: Collection title, image, description, shown as a breadcrumb banner on the collection page 2. Compatibility: Loox reviews, Ali app reviews, Shopify Product reviews application shortcode added on the product page tab section. 3. Fixed: Social media icon issue
1. Fixed: Ajax cart currency symbol issue 2. Fixed: Collection.list template JS issue 3. Updated: On the collection list template Product list view active mode
1. Added: Preorder feature
1. Updated : Instagram(Username/Hashtag system) 2. Fixed: Product variant minor JS issue 3. Fixed: Minor Css issues
1. Added: Product inventory Stock Quantity (Enable/Disable) 2. Added: Product inventory availability translation
1. Added: Product inventory Stock Quantity 2. Added: Agree to checkbox before checkout (Enable/Disable option - Theme Settings > General Settings) 3. Added: Color option of popup cart checkout button (Theme Settings > Colors) 4. Fixed: Minor Css issues
1. Added: Instagram Gallery (New) Section - Manual System 2. Added: Font Changes option for individual "Revolution Slider - Trending" Section 3. Added: Delay time option for newsletter pop up (Theme Settings > Newsletter) 4. Updated: Collection Banner Slider Section 5. Updated: Minor Changes for the global theme Settings 6. Fixed: Minor Css issues
1. Added: New Header Layout - Logo in the Middle of the menu - 4th level sub menu supported 2. Updated: Wishlist 3. Updated: Customer Account Button Style 4. Updated: Ajax Cart popup settings 5. Fixed: Compare Product translation issues 6. Fixed: Few Button color changing options 7. Fixed: Minor Css issues 8. Updated: Documentation
1. Added: password and gift_cart layout 2. Added: Gift Card Section added 3. Added: Countdown Timer Label changes settings 4. Added: Dynamic check button color settings 5. Fixed: Minor customizer settings
1. Fixed: Firefox Issue for CSS file loading 2. Fixed: Dns-prefetch crossorigin issue to improve site speed 3. Added: Portrait, Square, Landscape Product Grid item Settings for Image 4. Improved: Theme Speed
1. Improved: The speed of the theme by following these sites (GTmetrix, Pingdom tools, PageSpeed Insights) 2. Fixed: Eliminate render-blocking resources, Remove unused JavaScript and CSS, Defer offscreen image issue, WebFont Issue fixed 3. Minified: theme.js, theme.css 4. Added: Lazyload + Lazysizes for the images 5. Updated: Hero fluid slider settings for mobile images 6. Updated: Quantity max and min value based on inventory stock 7. Updated: Minor Theme Settings
1. Added: Shopify liquid render tag instead of include to get better performance following Shopify instructions 2. Added: A good UI design on the mobile for the catalog page (Offcanvas sidebar for collection filter) 3. Fixed: Grid & list view for the product column 4. Added: A good UI design on the mobile for the product grid item (Hover Issue fixed) 5. Improved: Site Performance 6. Updated: Presets for Demo Data
1. Added: Sticky Add To Cart 2. Fixed: Media Carousel Issue
1. Added: AR(Augmented reality) Functionality of 3D Model 2. Organized: JS file 3. Fixed: JS render blocking Issue 4. Fixed: Fancybox Issue On The Product page 5. Fixed: Media ratio on the product page 6. Improved: Theme Speed
1. Added: Media on the product page(3D models viewer, External Youtube video, Local Video, Product Image) 2. Updated: Product image Zoom + Popup 3. Updated: Product variant swatch on the product page 4. Removed: Some unnecessary JavaScript code From the product page 5. Updated: Product Page Customizer 6. Changed: Product Gallery Arrow button Style 7. Fixed: Vertical Product Gallery
1. Added: Logo Preloader 4. Added: A new reference URL field for the Ask about this product feature on the product page. https://prnt.sc/tknmpd 2. Added: New optionality on the collection Banner Slider section 3. Improved: Theme Customizer
1. Added: Pick a delivery date on the cart page 2. Fixed: Instagram Section 3. Fixed: Minor issue of feature Product Banner section
1. Optimized: CSS & JS file 2. Fixed: Lazyload Function for all the images 3. Added: Lazyload Spinner On the Product Image 4. Improved: Theme Settings and Section Settings 5. Improved: Product Empty Variant functionality
1. Added: Dynamic Collection Title and Description on the collection page 2. Added: Color Settings for product Item 3. Improved: Customizer Optionality 4. Fixed: Header Mini Cart Color settings Customizer
1. Changed: Instagram Section 2. Fixed: Proudct Variant Issue 3. Fixed: Banner Grid Masonry Section 4. Fixed: Minor CSS issue
1. Fixed: Product Variant Issue on the Product Page
1. Fixed: Revolution Slider JS Issue 2. Compatible: Multiple revolution slider on that respective page
1. Added: 1 Home Version (COVID-19 Medical Accessories) 2. Fixed: Section JS Issue 3. Updated: JS File
1. Fixed: Section JS Issue 2. Fixed: Product Carousel Section 3. Updated: Creative Banenr Section
BIG UPDATED ================== 1. Compatible: Compatible Section Editor With Customizer 2. Updated: Section 2. Updated: JS Files 3. Fixed: JavaScript error 4. Fixed: CSS Issue
1. Updated: Instagram Customizer 2. Updated: Currency Customizer (Multiple currency with checkout)
1. Updated: Fixed banner Section 2. Fixed: CSS issue 3. Fixed: Black Version
1. Added: Mini Cart Button Switcher 2. Added: Color Picker For Collection Masonry Style 2 3. Fixed: Collection List Filter widget in the collection page 4. Improved: Responsive In collection Page
1. Updated: Slider Half With Banner Section 2. Fixed: Single Product Variant Issue + Responsive 3. Fixed: Pagination Text Translation 4. Compatible: Compatible With All Header( "Agree with terms" checkbox in mini cart before checkout )
1. Added: Brand/Vendor Page 2. Updated: Vendor and Type Filter Widget on the collection page 3. Added: "Agree with terms" checkbox in cart page before checkout 4. Updated: Header 1
1. Added: "Agree with terms" checkbox in mini cart and popup cart before checkoutType a message 2. Modified: Add To Cart Popup 3. Fixed: Minor CSS Issue
1. Added: Ajax in the number of products filter on the collection page 2. Fixed: Currency Issue fixed in the recently viewed product 3. Updated: Rtl
1. Added: The section-wise image on the customizer 2. Fixed: Recently viewed product on the single product
1. Updated: Call To Action Section 2. Fixed: Product Tab Section 2 3. Improved: Responsive
1. Fixed: Single Product Variant JS issue
1. Added: New Home Design two For Valentine's
1. Added: New Home Design For Valentine's
1. Fixed: Minor Css Issue 2. Fixed: Revolution slider Responsive Issue 3. Improved: Optimization Performance
1. Fixed: Proudct Grid 2. Updated: Demo Presets - Tshirt Version (2) - Cosmetics New version
1. Added: Recently viewed product on the product page
1. Updated: Featured Product Banner - Color Picker Supported - Some Option Added 2. Fixed: First 5+ Revolution Slider Section - Responsive CSS - Default Caption Image Added - Caption Image Enable Disable Option
1. Added: New Home Version - Cosmetcis - T-Shirt - Baby T-Shirt 2. Added: New Section - Featured Product Banner 3. Modified: Some Section - Hero Fluid Slider - Revolution Smart Slider
1. Added: Color Picker - New Header - Topbar - Navgiation bar 2. Fixed: Minor Css Issue
1. Fixed: RTL Issue - New Header - Menu Slider With Banner And Category Menu - Offcanvas Menu 2. Added: New Video Tutorials In Downloadable File - Guide Line for Full Site Customize
1. Added: New 2 Home Pages - Fashion New home Version - Electronics New home Version 2. Added: Category Menu - Menu Column Flexibility
1. Fixed: Minor Js issue
1. Improved: Theme Speed 2. Compression: CSS,Js File 3. Added: GDPR Cookiee Bar 4. Fixed; Minor Css issue
1. Added: One New section - Section Name (Menu Slider With Banner) - Category Menu, Owl Slider, Banner and Color Support 2. Fixed: Single Product Additional Information - Ask About this product Popup
1. Added: Header Index New 2. Updated: Mobile Off-canvas Menu 3. Flexibility: Mobile Header
1. Fixed: Mobile Sub Menu 2. Added: Mega menu 3rd Level Multiple sub menu options 3. Fixed: Minor Responsive Issue
1. Added: Book New Version 2. Updated: 3+ Section Customizer - Fluid Hero Slider - Product Block Carousel - Tab With Product Two 3. Added: In the single product - Custom Product Section - Gallery Arrow Color Picker 4. Fixed: Rtl Issue
1. Added: Black Friday Landing page - Countdown timer banner New - Gift Banner 2. Fixed: Header Responsive for Mobile 3. Improved: Custom Content Section
1. Added: Custom unique tab for Single product 2. Updated: Parallax Banner 3. Fixed: Single Proudct Sticky Thumbnail 4. Fixed: Crousel Product
1. Added: Single Product Video Popup 2. Updated: Cosmetic Revolution Slider
1. Added: Sticky Gallery in the all single product style 2. Updated: Product Block Carousel Section - Nagivation Added + Color Support 3. Fixed: Revolution Slider - Slider Furniture 5. Added: Google Translate - Flexible with header two and three
1. Added: Product Gird Hover Fixed Content 2. Added: In the Single Product - Size Guide Popup - Shippping Guide Popup - Ask About This Product Popup 3. Updated: Single Product Variant Style 4. Added: Agree Button For Dynamic checkout button in the single product
1. Added: Christmas Layout - Christmas Box - Christmas Fullwidth - Snow Effect 2. Updated: Box layout - Offset option added 3. Updated: Header Customizer 4. Fixed: Minor Css issue
1. Fixed: Single product js issue
1. Added: SEO Key in single product 2. Added: 3 Home pages - Electronics Version 2 - Software Version 1 - Software Version 2 3. Updated: Collections Page Customizer 4. Updated: Documentation
1. Updated: Newsletter popup customizer - Newsletter popup flexible with mobile - Newsletter Show hide option from any device 2. Added: 15+ New Section - Services Style 2 - Popular Category - Video Section 2 - Latest Blog style 2 and 3 - Testimonial Style 3 - Trending Categories - Countdown Special Product Banner - Creative Banner - Tab With Product Two - Categories Product Banner - Video Section 3 - Top Collection Banner - Featured Category Banner - Product With Content - Image & Services Block - Fixed Banner 3. Fixed: Css Issue
1. Added: Swimsuit Home page - 5+ New Section - Slider with Banner - Category - Section Title - Image & Services Block - Welcome Section 2. Updated: Customizer - Product Grid Section - Collection Revoultion Slider 3. Added: Customization options for changing font - Shopify library Fonts - Google Fonts 4. Flexible: Without breadcrumb Banner 5. Added: Google Translate - Flexible With Default Header 6. Fixed: CSS and Js issue - Banner Grid Masonry - Instagram Slider 7. Improved: Theme Speed
1. Added: 1 Single Product Version 2. Added: Dark version 3. Added: Box Layout 4. Fixed: Hero Slider Minor Customizer 5. Added: Hero slider Fullscreen 6. Updated: Instagram Gird 7. Added: Shopify Default Email Subscription in Password Page 8. Fixed: Minor Css Issue
1. Updated: Menu - Mega Menu ( 2nd level Submenu, Product Options, Banner Options ) - Multi-Level Menu - Dropdown Menu 2. Updated: Mobile Menu - 2 Options Added for Mobile Menu - Offcanvas Menu ( Collapse Menu,Search Bar,Social Icon ) - Default Menu Using Plugin (Dl-Menu) 3. Added: Revoultion Slider - Trending Slider (Video Content) 4. Fixed: Minor Issue In Slider 5. Updated: Customizer
Added: Youtube Video In Revoultion Slider
1. Optimized: Theme Speed 2. Added: Retina Logo 3. Updated: Customizer
1. Added: 45 New Home Versions 2. Added: Newsletter Section 3. Updated: Customizer
1. Added: 28 New Home Versions 2. Added: Product Navigation(Next & Previous ) 3. Added: Single Product Section 4. Updated: Customizer
1. Added: 30 New Home Versions 2. Updated: Customizer
1. Added: 54 New Home Versions 2. Fixed: Revolution Slider 3. Updated: Customizer
1. Added: 11 New Home Versions 2. Fixed: CSS Issue
1. Added: 22 New Home Versions 2. Added: New Hero Slider 3. Fixed: CSS Issue 4. Updated: Customizer
1. Single Product Gallery Slider Issue Fixed 2. Mega Menu Responsive Css issue Fixed 3. Collection List Page Updated 4. Custom/Automated Collection Banner Added
1. Newsletter Updated (Shopify Default Form - Added + Mailchimp) 2. Empty Cart Page Updated 3. Documentation Updated
1. Minor Customizer Issue fixed 2. Css Issue Fixed
1. Product Grid Add To Cart Button Modified 2. CSS issue fixed
1. Single product variant issue fixed 2. Mega menu updated 3. Revoultion slider customizer updated 4. Instagram Issue fixed 5. Rtl Css updated 6. Css and responsive issue fixed
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Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 02 June 2024
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 4.x, Software Version: Shopify 2.0, Columns: 4+
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