Manganted – Clean Restaurant HTML Template – suitable for selling food & restaurant service….. It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution.
Thank you to all of our valued customers because of your trust and love to us; We appreciate your great ratings.
Images are not included main downloaded file.
This template as well as all other our products is provided with detailed How-To descriptions. We also care that our customers always get professional help using our products.
If you are a talented designer, photographer or illustrator, and you have some works that you wish to be displayed in our demo previews, go ahead and contact us; we are open for cooperation!
We make good themes & templates that hundred of people love. And though it is a pleasure for us to have you as a customer, there are some cases when we can let you go. See these in a Refund Policy.
weThemez provide refunds in cases
Based on Envato Refund Policy, we will not provide a refund when:
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 08 November 2016
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 3.x, Bootstrap 2.3.x, Bootstrap 2.2.2, Columns: 4+
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