MedUX is a powerful all-encompassing Medical Dashboard UI Kit built on pure React. It is perfect for different kinds of admin/customer dashboards and mobile apps. The dashboard can be used for Hospitals, Doсtors, Perinatal Centers, Private Hospitals, Medical Laboratory, Analytics, Traffic Accounting, Stock Trading, Cryptocurrency, Task Manager and Scheduler, Regional Sales Accounting, CRM, Chat and Users Management.
With this super customizable UI Kit, you can cover all your needs. It comes with a huge bundle of carefully crafted widgets and elements for both medical and multi-purpose directions. There are16 charts and graphs, including rare and unique ones created specifically for this product to visualize your data in the best ways. The MedUX React template comes with 11 predefined dashboards to display a wide range of possibilities and get started fast. And what is very significant, it contains Drag and Drop Layouts Builder to let you manage widgets incredibly easily.
Innovative calendar with monthly, weekly or day display, as well as a booking interface designed specifically for appointments for medical and other types of services. The Medical Dashboard UI includes separate sections for lists of patients/visitors/customers and doctors/staff with convenient filters and search, designed Medical test results block, Messengers, Reviews and Financial history. There is everything for easy interaction between the customer and the admin, displaying clear statistics and scheduling.
The MedUX UI Kit supports light and dark themes designed specifically to improve the UX and are activated automatically depending on the browser theme or manually by a button in the interface. It supplies other panel settings as well such as contrast, font size and full screen mode to make the dashboard accessible and allow people with visual impairments to use your services. Full RTL support included.
Innovative technologies and libraries were used in the development of this template, as well as the best practices for developing React templates. The high quality of the code makes the whole template absolutely cross-browser and cross-platform – on all devices and in all browsers, the design looks perfect.
Read more about how to get started with the Medux Dashboard UI Kit template in the Online Documentation.
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Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 23 August 2023
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: No, Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: ReactJS, Columns: 4+
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