xpertpress/megna//sale_banner2.jpg” alt=”Megna Construction and Architecture WordPress Theme” /> xpertpress/megna/megna/sale_banner3.jpg” alt=”Megna Construction and Architecture WordPress Theme” />
Documentation is very easy to understand, because of easy wordings, and images support.
It has multipurpose elements that can be useful for all kind of companies Like:
Main Slider:
To Display the company majors with images.
About Us
To display the company and company owners details.
Team Section
is a very rich section which help you to display a detailed company introduction. You can display progress, social icons, with some details. Because of this functionality theme can be use for all kind of companies.
Isotope Gallery
Theme has a var-stile project image gallery with light box because of this feature you can display your projects for you customers.
Services and Features Section
Megna Construction and Architecture WordPress Theme has beautiful services and feature section that will help to manage especially relevant services and features of any company.
To make quick access for user, there is contact form on home page. While a separate contact form page also developed to make access more easy and quick. Sponsors logos also a section that can be use on all kind of websites. Footer has some rich elements that suites for all businesses, like a small introduction section, Business hours and timings, Useful links and newsletter. A Beautiful, Clean, and Well Coded Design for construction and architecture companies. It has unique sections, with quality code and versatile parallax sections. I’ve used the following JavaScript Libraries.
- isotope.pkgd.js
- scrollreveal.min.js
- odometer.js jquery.appear.js
- jquery.countdownTimer.min.js
- jquery.countdown.min.js
- parallax.min.js
- jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
- gmap3.js
- Images are not part of package.