Sitech is a unique HTML SaaS Company template with modern design and carefully crafted elements. It is perfect for SaaS, App Solutions Promo Campaigns, Development Studios, Digital Marketing Agencies, Startups, and everyone who wants to start a Web, Application or Software business. The item includes 2 eye-catching Home pages, 2 Blog pages, Services, Prices, About, Contact with different thematic sections to reach the goal in your site building.
Sitech is a fully responsive template and crafted following all code rules and standards. The item comes with intuitive features that provide wide opportunities to realize different ideas. The files are well organized and you can edit each element fast and easily. Create a SaaS website for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Muse, and other popular CMS using the Sitech HTML template.
The core of the SaaS Company Template is a modern, fast and powerful Bootstrap 5. The layout flexibility achieved by this framework allows you to fit the template even for beginners.
The template is perfectly organized and structured, making it easy to customize all its parts, change the background and color, and manage global typography. Every Layout is just a starting point – you can style it to look any way you want. With CSS files, you also get SASS/SCSS files that simplify and speed up the template’s customization. The HTML code is clean and 100% valid and has been tested for the W3c validator test.
The Bootstrap Template to which you are now looking carefully crafted by a gifted designer in collaboration with an experienced HTML coder with great attention to details, flexibility, and performance specifically for developing unique Templates based on WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Muse, and other popular CMS.
Sitech SaaS Company Template is ready to work immediately after installation – you only need to unzip and upload it to your web server. Read more about capabilities and settings in the Online Documentation.
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All images are just used for preview purposes only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files, but you can always contact us in search of sources.
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 17 October 2024
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 5.x, Columns: 4+
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