Trekky is a highly customizable and responsive Outdoor Gear WooCommerce theme. It comes with plenty of features for building sophisticated eCommerce websites for any shop category from selling outdoor fashion to furniture. It works for apparel, adventure & outdoor accessories, bags, shoes, tents, and other outdoor travel-related webshops.
The theme demo includes 08+ stunning eCommerce demo websites with shop pages, product pages, carts, Ajax live searches, and dynamic filters.
Trekky outdoor store WordPress theme features an easy-to-use visual page editor – Elementor, to easily build your online store. You can handcraft your pages without any codes.
Other features of Trekky are nice sliders, advanced mega menu, product point of view, and blog section.
You can quickly create your ideal outdoor shop with Trekky.
Trekky is a versatile Outdoor Gear WooCommerce theme with 08+ stunning demos ready for building any online shop and store website. With Trekky, you can build the best stores for outdoor clothing, shoes, and accessories. Check its demo now!
Trekky is integrated with the most-used eCommerce open-source, WooCommerce, to make any of your outdoor shop ideas come to life. Styled shop & product pages, cart & checkout pages are ready in the theme. Purchase Trekky today!
Trekky – Outdoor Gear WooCommerce theme is fully responsive on many devices, including mobiles. Also, it can work well on different modern browsers.
Build and customize every part of your website intuitively with Elementor – WordPress visual page builder.
Import theme demo within the blink of an eye. And then you can start to customize right after that. Try it out, buy Trekky now!
Trekky Outdoor WordPress theme goes with 06+ shop page layouts for you to choose from. You can showcase your products in a perfect way and boost massive sales with Trekky WooCommerce template.
Highlight all your product potential with awesome layouts.
Trekky – Outdoor Gear WooCommerce theme has an intriguing blog section for you to implement content marketing strategies, build and share values with your community.
View products right in the image gallery and go directly to product pages.
Quickly get access to products of specific outdoor activities.
Easy to navigate the whole website through the advanced mega menu.
Convenient quick search bar with full product suggestions.
Sort out all wanted items in a short time with accurate results.
Trekky – Outdoor Shop WordPress theme is bundled with and compatible with many powerful plugins to help build the site effortlessly.
Trekky eCommerce WordPress theme comes with a friendly and dedicated support team to help you with any theme queries. Also, detailed documentation is provided.
Some demos use Adobe Fonts (formerly Typekit). If Adobe Fonts fonts aren’t available, they will be substituted with default fonts or Google Fonts
The sample images viewed in the live preview are for demo purposes only and must be replaced with the customer’s own licensed images in their end product.
The page speed score mentioned on the item’s page is for reference only and depends on the selected demo, theme and server configuration and the content itself. Some theme features may negatively impact page speed scores.
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 21 January 2025
Live Preview Buy NowGutenberg Optimized: No, High Resolution: Yes, Widget Ready: Yes, Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Elementor, WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x, Software Version: WordPress 6.6.x, WordPress 6.5.x, WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, Columns: 4+
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