Ubold is a fully-featured, multi-purpose admin template built with Bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery with ASP.NET Core 6. It’s fully responsive and has a very clean user interface that comes with a huge collection of components, widgets, UI elements, and apps. This is the design and built-in ASP.NET Core 6. We have maintained the best quality code for all versions so your developer can easily customize it as per your requirements. It is a professional and flexible admin template and can be used to build all kinds of projects.
- Created using Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta-1
- Created using Built with ASP.NET Core 6
- Easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
- Clean and Intuitive Design
- Light & Dark Versions (only CSS based)
- Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices
- Fully Documented
- Sketch & PSDs Files Available
- Landing Page included (Onepage)
- Rich form,widgets,validation and wizard
- 150+ Pages
- 500+ UI Components
- 110+ Charts(11 chart library)
- 13+ Built-in Apps
- RTL & LTR Support
- Error pages included
- Stylish pricing page
- 9000+ Font Icons
- Sample CRM and eCommerce Application
Multiple Demos/Layout Options:
6 Pre-built layout options to cater needs of modern web applications. The flexible layout system along with build automation (gulp-based build tools), and ready-to-use UI elements enable to development of modern web applications with great speed.
- All of Bootstrap components
- Icons
- Google Material Symbols Icons
- Multiple Widgets
- Toast Notifications
- Chartjs Charts
- Apex Charts
- Nestable List
- Range Slider
- Tour Page
- Loading Buttons
- Selectize, Switchery, Bootstrap MaxLength, Multiple Select, Auto Complete Included
- Select2, Bootstrap-select, Bootstrap Touchspin, Input Mask included
- Flatpickr, Colorpicker, Clock Picker, Bootstrap Datepicker Included
- Bootstrap form wizard
- Image Crop
- Spinner
- Max Length Validator
- Advanced Datatables
- Dragula – Simple Drag and Drop
- Multiple File Uploads
- WYSIWYG Editors (QuillJs and SimpleMDE)
- Google, Mapeal and Vector Maps
- Vertical Layout (With different sidebar themes including light, gradient, dark, brand, etc)
- Horizontal Layout
- Detached Sidebar Layout
- Two Column Layout
- Boxed (Fixed width) for all layouts
- Calendar
- Chat
- Ecommerce (Product listing, product detail, Add product, order listing, order detail, shopping cart, checkout, seller listing etc)
- CRM (Contacts, Opportunities, Leads, Customers etc)
- Email (Inbox, Email details page, Compose, Email Templates etc)
- Social Feed
- Companies Listing
- Projects (List page, Detail Page, Create Project Page etc)
- Tasks (List Page, Task detail, Kanban Board etc)
- Contacts (Listing and Profile page)
- Support Tickets (Listing and Details page)
- File Manager
- Sample Dashboards
- Profile (Setting, Activity and About)
- Invoice (Print ready)
- FAQs
- TImeline
- Pricing
- Sitemap
- Search Results
- Maintenance
- Coming Soon
- Gallery
- Login (Two variations)
- Register (Two variations)
- Logout (Two variations)
- Recover Password (Two variations)
- Lock Screen (Two variations)
- Confirm Mail (Two variations)
- Sign In – Sign Up (Two variations)
- Error 404 (Three variations)
- Error 500 (Two variations)
Design Files and Assets
The design files (PSDs) are available. In order to grab them, reach out to us at
support@coderthemes.com. These are provided as complimentary with
Ubold ASP.Net Core 6.
Support and Free Updates
We are committed to our customers and support is at utmost priority. If you have any questions, or issues with ubold, please feel free to contact us anytime via email at
support@coderthemes.com. We have also planned to add tons of updates and improvements which you will receive free of cost.
Change Log
v1.0 (16 Aug, 2022) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initial release.