WebPanda is a highly creative, interactive, easily customizable, highly modern, fast loading, search engine optimized, efficiently coded, well documented, vibrant and fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 multi-purpose website template for corporate, agencies, freelancers, individuals as well suitable as per the businesses domain.
We have created to show their company, about, history, services, work portfolio and projects, team, clients, 404, coming soon, thankyou, under maintenance, blogs, portfolio single, blog post in most creative and professional looking manner using more than 26+ ready home page layout including one page website as per business industrial service.
An awesome collection of beautiful HTML5 templates for your next great website. Choose any of these and make it yours. WebPanda provides all kind of creative, corporate, stylish, creative, elegant & unlimited options with suitable for onepage, onepagescroll, classic, digital agency, parallax, freelancer, creative studio, designer, web agency, branding agency, startup level companies, seo agency, digital marketing, hosting providers, personal portfolio, app landing, crypto currency, finance & banking, lawyer, logistic & shipment, dental, car rental, house cleaner, beauty saloon and many more options with vast variation version.
We have created wide range of portfolio to show your work with Grid, Masonry, Metro, Justified, Carousel, Verticle, Horizontal with many more style.
We have created awesome portfolio single page to fully showcase your products, project and branding accomplishments.
We are not create just the homepage, We have designed many different beautiful and elegant portfolio onepage and single pages, onepage scroll, verticle page layout and many more variations as per your needs.
WebPanda comes with Massive elements collection for all imaginable scenarios. We have created 500+ elements and each elements have more wide range of variation style for create your website with desired look to apply with in a second.
We have designed and integrate social live feeds for get social updates with in a time on your website.
We have created creative, grid, masonry, video, audio, image, quote type blogs layouts which is fully show your website news and updates.
Pick the best header and stylist navigation from our variations collection of herader. WebPanda comes wih vast variation of navigation like onepage, logo center, logo top, custom stylish navigation, inverse design, hamburger navigation, 3D style navigation, bouncy navigation and many more options with unlimited design.
Pick the best creative & stylist footer for your website. WebPanda designed huge level of footer options like footer light, dark, short, medium, creative, parallax, modern, contact style and many more suitable version as per website layout and consideration with user requirement
WebPanda’s hundreds of easily customizable and absolutely scalable options, enjoy the unlimited possibilities that you always desired. WebPanda package prvides a lots of designed variations, javascript elements, creative animation which are fully created custom code with custom logic.
Then simply open a ticket in our Support Center at Yankee Themes Support and we will be back with professional help quickly. Expect a response Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00 (GMT +5:30) within 1 business day. Our team is open to our customers and aim at getting better!
We are a expert and trusted team of full-time designers, developers, expert support guys having 7+year experience. Sharing the same goals and putting our best knowledge into what we do make us successful. One of our priorities is to bring the feeling of satisfaction with our items to the clients! So you can always rely on us!
If our template doesn’t work correctly on your website? Report your issue or bug by describing it in details and send us a link to your website. We’ll do our best to find a solution.
Free support is provided only for bugs, theme, template related issues and really small modifications (a few minutes of work). Everything else, including the adding of complex features or css changes, will be treated as custom work.
Outside scope of product work, we will also provide support but consider as a custom work.
We will introduce our new updates and features about our products on regular basic. Please check version detail from our version logs.
We are open to your ideas. If you require some additional features, which could as well improve our product, just share it with us. We will consider adding them in our future updates.
We would really love to take this opportunity to appreciate that platforms which is really helpful to us to make WebPanda a really beautiful, elegant, creative, versatile, and business friendly template for our awesome users.
This is a pure HTML5 templates, not a WordPress or any other CMS theme.
Any media: Images, icons or logos used in previews are not included in final purchase files. And you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects. Read help file / document for more details after you purchase the product of “WebPanda – Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Templates”
Please Note: Images in the main file are replaced by Placeholders, all images used for demo purpose only. Don’t worry about Elements, Shapes, Graphic and SVG it is already in your main file.
If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my Themeforest profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much!....Thank you.
Finally, thank you for visiting our item. If you love it, don’t forget to give us 5 Stars rate from your download’s page. If you need any question regarding this item, please feel free to contact us at yankeeinfoweb@gmail.com our support expert will respond you on shortly.
We’ll happy to talk you, don’t hesitate to mail us if there is any problem with our products or you just want to email. Support requests are being processed on business days Monday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00 (GMT +5:30) within 1 business day.
Fixed : Style CSS
Fixed : Responsive CSS
Added : Megamenu CSS
Added : Megamenu Style-01
Added : Megamenu Style-02
Added : Megamenu Style-03
Added : GDRP Compliance
Added : Cookie Concent CSS
Added : Cookie Concent JS
Fixed : Navbar Toggler SVG Icon CSS
# Initial Release
Email : yankeeinfoweb@gmail.com
Quality checked by Themeprison
Well Documented
Last Update: 12 September 2018
Live Preview Buy NowHigh Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Bootstrap 4.x, Columns: 4+
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